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01 How effective is your retail? View 02 Transforming CSR into drivers for sustainable growth and performance View View 03 When Finance
goes digital
04 If you can't measure it, you can't improve it View 05 The day after, let's prioiritize for restart View 06 P2P,
What's new?
07 Tourism: rethinking the offering, marketing and experience View 08 Data Driven Businesses : let's drive growth and performance with a data driven approach Want to know more ? 09 Servicialization : Product as a service Want to know more ? 10 The sport industry: Issues and Transformation Want to know more ? 11 Supply chain : let's go green to be more resilient Want to know more ? 12 Let's go digital : What does it mean? What's to expect? Want to know more ? 13 New forms
of mobility
Want to know more ?
Platformization: transform your business model Want to know more ? 14 Stay tuned!
Many more to come...
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How effective is your retail?
One strategy = one retail system
What is a retail system? How to measure its effectiveness? How to boost the efficiency of your spending so that 1 € invested in the system will flow and distribute a dividend to your entire ecosystem?
- Consider differently your assets (points of contact and sales), your organization (process, IS, people) and your activation strategy to inform, differentiate and sell,
- Moving from a channel approach to a systemic approach by leveraging each asset
- Test new models (DNVB, for example) and new concepts by taking bets with us!
Case study arrow_downward
Transforming CSR into drivers for sustainable growth and performance The CSR obligation, which seemed to be part of a regulatory framework, is becoming a growth and a performance driver: innovations, a sustainable business model, definition of the purpose, a vector of differentiation, a retention factor (customer and employee) and so many others.
It is by making the best use of these tools that the company can do its part in a changing world: business continuity planning, risk mapping, implementation of extra-financial indicators, etc. By measuring its impacts on its ecosystem as accurately as possible, it is possible to improve them, ensure sustainable performance and develop new growth drivers.
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When Finance goes digital?
A glimpse of the future of Finance
RPA, dataviz, big data, algorithms, machine learning and data in general, platforms and automation are the building blocks of the digital world. All these technologies, at the service of process and organizational productivity, are also profound transformations in working methods. Applied to Finance, they are bringing it into a new era, that of digital Finance. So what are the changes for Finance? For its teams and skills? For its software application mapping? For its processes (Budget, Forecast, reporting, closing)? What new missions? A brief overview of the challenges of Digital Finance. arrow_downward Case study
If you can't measure it, you can't improve it. "We manage what we measure! ": performance measurement to support the company's strategic priorities, its strategic drivers and the achievement of objectives.
Whether performance, growth or resilience monitoring is concerned: How do you define your KPIs? How to align an organization with strategic priorities? How to incentivate it on its OKRs?
These are all questions that need to be resolved in order to achieve your objectives without falling into the tyranny of KPIs, leaving room for flexibility, initiative and team creativity by developing a culture of leadership (Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things). From definition to implementation, let's talk about it together.
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The day after: a workshop to define your strategic priorities and their operational implementation The brutal stop in activity due to the health crisis raises the question of the Restart after lockdown but also the transformation of the business model.
We have designed a workshop with all the HUB experts to answer your strategic and operational questions by reviewing all the topics: distribution, production, supply chain, finance, HR, communication.
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P2P, what's new in the digital age? The purchase to pay process is a strategic issue in a cyclical manner, according to cash contractions and savings plans.
The P2P process is as much a necessary topic for controlling expenses as it is a time-consuming administrative one: databases (articles, suppliers), processes, authorization to commit and then to sign, including the processing of purchase orders, receipts, invoices and payments, what are the effective solutions in the digital age? What are the best practices? What are the organizational essentials? At a time of dematerialization and digital platforms for processing supplier invoices, does SSC still make sense? Let's talk about it together.
Case study arrow_downward
Tourism: rethinking the offering, marketing and experience Transport, accommodation, digital booking, travel organization, catering, leisure or business travel, the tourism industry is a market with a strong diversity dominated by sector leaders. Intermediated by travel agencies, then digital platforms, it is facing new modes of consumption and a health crisis. From the offer, to commercialization and experience, the tourism industry must transform itself in depth to take control of its relationship and customer data, to restore its margins, to identify new growth drivers by adapting its offer to a changing demand. Case study arrow_downward Data Driven Businesses : let's drive growth and performance with a data driven approach What is data driven business?
From B2B2C to B2C activities, many companies are in fact data-driven companies, so how can data become a performance but also a growth driver?
From identification of potential productivity gains to task automation, from analysis of your customers' expectations to personalized activation strategies, data is a major stake for these companies who have understood the competitive advantage it can provide.
Case study
Servicialization : Product as a service Does a product without service still have a future? What does a product as a service mean? Renting, subscribing rather than owning? What are the needs served by these new models? What are the business models? Case study The sport industry: Issues and Transformation Specialized distributors, sportswear brands, apparel brands, services etc... what are the major changes? Who are the new players? Sport "as a service" is becoming the norm, as consumers want to be at the center of an integrated ecosystem of services and products. Case study Supply chain : let's go green to be more resilient What does a greener supply chain mean? What are the drivers (transport, sourcing?) of greening strategies? How is this a strategic issue and a potential performance driver? Case study Let's go digital : What does it mean ? What's to expect ? What is digital for your business? What are the stakes? What are the strategic areas for your company? How does digitalization change your business in terms of performance and growth? Case study New forms
of mobility
What are the new usages? What business models are behind these micro mobility needs? Who are the historical and new players? Is this mobility part of a broader service offer? Case study
Platformization: transform your business model The digital revolution is disrupting traditional business models and all organizations.
It has given birth to the platformization of the economy, pioneered by players such as Amazon, Alibaba, Airbnb and Uber.
Having entered a new era, companies must change their operational model and rethink their business model to create ecosystems between their partners and customers.
Create your own market place or join one? If it is obvious that it is a speed race, companies must make the right choices for their future.
Create a market place or a production platform to be able to scale their operations and address larger markets more quickly to benefit from a precious lead time.
How do you proceed? What are the choices to be made? Based on which criteria?
Case study
08 Data 09 Servicialization 05 Restart 01 Retail 02 CSR 03 Finance 04 KPI insights Our insights: we are committed to revisiting your strategic, operational or sectorial issues in order to propose an approach and a team that supports you from diagnosis to implementation. 14 Platformization 10 Sport 11 Supply Chain 12 Digital 13 Mobility 06 P2P 07 Tourism

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