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An innovative and integrated value proposition

We created The Why Factor Company to assist shareholders and managers in their pursuit of growth drivers and performance improvements in three strategic areas.

Expertise mobilized according to your needs

A unique service platform dedicated to transformation that integrates and combines all the skills to develop original, tailor-made solutions.

How we do it?

It all starts with a diagnosis to lay the findings, the possible options on the table and to assess the business cases. Then we work with your teams and our partners to support you in the transformation and execution to deliver ASAP results.






It always starts with a diagnosis

Identify drivers to:

– Improve performance
– Grow

To do what?

– Understanding the environment
– Identify root causes and quick wins
– Identify, prioritize and evaluate improvement opportunities and levers
– Carry out a benchmark, a maturity assessment or a market analysis, in certain cases
– Define ambition, blueprint, target and associated action plan
– Evaluate (Budget, ROI, Business Case), staff and plan

Difficult to draw a serious and adequate transformation plan without a diagnosis … moreover, it makes it possible to align and associate all of the stakeholders around the vision, changes and associated means


Sometimes it is a question of re-inventing oneself

Co-inventing tomorrow’s business models:

– A place and a space, both physical and virtual, to give birth to ideas and then answers to the issues identified during the screening phase, with your teams on your performance and/or growth issues.
– A time of co-construction, of meeting with our partners, to innovate and consider from a different angle, new answers to your subjects…
– The Restart Studio: All orchestrated by a facilitator for effective workshops in agile mode (Sprint design) with clear and respected objectives in a logic of Right Time To Market.

We mobilize, as needed, for these workshops, the right expertise (marketing, branding, supply chain, technology, etc.) to crack the subjects (ideation) during the exploratory phase, then we define the next steps together.

Depending on the subject, it will be a question of addressing a:
=> MVP (if we deal with digital subjects),
=> POC/POV (market application choice),
=> Business case (ROI assessment of an acceleration or transformation plan)
=> or a complete business plan (in the case of a joint venture).

Having this approach outside the company for you and with your customer success management team is key to innovate and unite the team around the project in the shortest possible time.

This approach to:
– Innovate: Provide a framework conducive to innovation by bringing together multidisciplinary teams who can quickly identify responses to high-potential challenges.
– Accelerate: Technical and business skills are brought together in one place to facilitate collaboration. The decision and validation processes are simplified.
– Transform: A real laboratory for testing new ideas, technology and working methods before industrializing them as part of your project.


Then comes the time for transformation and building

Implementing with your teams and our partners

Depending on your needs and situations, we will intervene in assistance mode to support your teams in the execution of the action plan as defined during the screening and/or Restart Studio phase.

Our role may vary from:

– Project manager to manage the project, to a PMO role,
– or support in terms of expertise (for partial or complete implementation of the action plan with your teams) depending on the topics to be addressed.

We work alongside our (or your) partners to participate and manage delivery in accordance with the schedule and budget to meet your objectives.


Why not become a partner, rather than a customer?

Our purpose!

We created The Why Factor Company to help our customers make the turns they need to take.

These turns require not only business expertise and technological knowledge, but also quality of execution, a results-oriented culture and a managerial drive to bring your projects and ambitions to the ground as quickly as possible #SCREENING, #RESTART STUDIO.

Our mission is to concretize, together, your performance ambitions and the activation of new growth drivers #Build.

To be an actor who advises, assists, builds and partners with his clients

It is therefore only natural that we want to be able to join your ambitions, when the situation requires it, and make our clients partners to create long-term value through joint-ventures #CO-PARTNERSHIP.

We do not wish to limit ourselves to the traditional fees model of consulting firms that advise and assist, but to join with you in an entrepreneurial approach to develop new business models, projects and innovative solutions, and to take advantage of the opportunities they offer.


When does the question of Co-Entrepreneurship arise?

We are convinced that within the screenings that you entrust us with, there are, on the road, real opportunities to develop new business models, new services for your customers, your suppliers, your partners, for your industry and even your competitors.

Each threat can become an opportunity to pivot to change the rules and give you a major competitive advantage.

So where and when we see perspective and opportunity we wish to stay closely involved, bringing knowledge, skills, resources and eventually money to the table. We truly want to partner with companies, its management and shareholders, not only providing them with the right strategy, but also support them with hands-on management, entrepreneurial thinking and executional fire power.

Preferably, we therefore not only charge fees but we also bear risks related to the actual value creation.

It are the results that count and we wish to stay on board, collaborating with our partners, until actual performance has improved so we can jointly reap the benefits. This has led us to invest and create joint ventures with number of partners.

So wherever and whenever we see an opportunity, we want to stay closely involved, bringing knowledge, skills, resources, possibly money to the table, and partner with our customers, management and shareholders.


What situations? What use cases?

What are the situations, the contexts?

1. Startup

2. Performance acceleration projects

3. Growth projects

4. Pivoting and developing new services

5. Turnaround situations

Use cases, examples

1. Structuring sales pitches and investor decks to clarify and enhance business models.

2. Create/implement a digital platform for performance improvement (robotization, AI, etc…)

3. Develop digital sales channels and maximize the effectiveness of marketing spend

4. Invent, test and develop a digital business model and/or services from data

5. Repositioning brands, boosting sales, maximising return on investment

To achieve results quickly and have a measurable impact

Our insights to explore

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75011 Paris